Saturday, March 1, 2014


Leaves lose colour and dry,
their veins remain...
like roots of a dead tree,
like glimpses of a half-forgotten dream,

no rain will be the elixir
no spring will fill their colour,
the leaves are now just a sound
a rattle when a breeze blows past
they decay, they escape into the soil
the tree that they helped to grow
the rain and the spring
have abandoned them,
after autumn's threat came
with the messenger wind,
but there is no pain of scarred memories
after all, what is pain in death? is as if the breeze has frozen
the chilling silence has taken over the mellow rattle of the leaves...


This open page
And my pen
I left them them forgotten
The mind was drifting 

Through caged thoughts
Rattling to be free
Like the glass windows of a bus
Or like my reflection
On that window
Faded reflection, faint thoughts...
Fading into my own blindness...
Realization, my muse
Life isn't all good
It isn't all bad
I need to know my good
Someone else shall know theirs
But i was hunting for an inspiration
And seeking for a muse in objects
Or in the old pages of memories
Always neglecting the truth I've learnt
Life is the greatest motivation
Life inspires to write
But it doesn't happen all the time
Lines come when they have to
And they come from deep within to be true.


The paper-boat in a summer sun
was adrift, alone
It had every hope to live 
but it was lonely in the light
and yet ceaselessly afloat...
The sun looked out through
its silver film
and hid behind the cloud
and let out a laugh in mockery
the boat was in no mood to play along,
it drifted in silence
but the sun went on and made fun...
The rain was an expert
in hiding the moist remains of pain
but for some reason
rain switched sides today
it had long abandoned the boat
now busy casting a rainbow from the sun
And then the light had faded
there was rain in the darkness
and pain in calmness
and a paper-boat afloat in a summer rain...

The Flaw

In search of perfection
what this world found is faults
Faults of inequality, faults of violence
of waging wars and spilling blood

Yes, they are buried deep,
all the flaws
the breaks are bandaged,
so that you close your eyes
and still look at perfection,
so that you justify your loopholes
The world is flawed and so are you

Blinded with prejudice,
your ignorance to see truth,
your carelessness to your neighbour

Why can't this world be
an equal place for equal people?
Why should the need be
to the satisfiers of the need?
Why must the common man die of starvation?
(He starved for justice and died
and justice never came.)

If you still see it as
a flawless beautiful picture,
then close your eyes and go to sleep
The world doesn't need you
you are flawed and thus is the world.


The fine line between the grey clouds
and the blue sky is almost invisible
The golden light that traces
that horizon is all I see
A hundred times until today
I have had this run
At a speed of my heartbeat
At a tune of my breath
In confusion and selfishness
In despair and loneliness
I ran those streets of life
Sometimes I was afraid
Sometimes uncertain
But as if a dream
As a relief
Always before I stopped 
to hold my breath
Their silhouettes shone in the dark
They were laughing
Asking me 'What's the hurry?'
I shook my head and sighed
I reminded myself that they'll always be there


There are rainbows casted on the sky
And all I feel is flood
There’s a summer rain
Showering on the ground
And all I see is storm
There was this wave at my feet
And it turned into a high tide
Washing away my castle
And talking all my shells
That’s when I knew
 Castle’s are in fairytales
And shells are always empty
And who knew of shells
Wouldn’t bother to know of shells
Who would see that all I like
Is the view of the view of sea
And all I want is a hand to hold
But that’s what I ever wanted
Broke and changed
Accepted and welcomed
Now if colours betrayed me
How can I see a rainbow
Though there are hundreds to see..